Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Casting the Honeycomb Stairs

Although we handed in our CNC files over a week early, they did not get cut. Therefore, we had to hand make a mould. This involved Andy meticulously hand cutting out 180 tiny hexagons, something which required a lot of effort and concentration.

While Andy cut up the hexagons, I put together the actual mould as well as worked on other models. This mould required a lot of pins so was a bit dangerous!

I used the remainder of my masking tape in order to make sure that there were no gaps, as I did not want the plaster to leak, and since this mould was supposed to be CNC cut it was quite difficult to construct by hand. Unfortunately the mould did leak a bit, but I managed to control it. 
I'd like to thank Michael McCabe from Mnument (http://mnument.tumblr.com) for letting us use his plaster. 

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